The Pusher story begins in 2003, when OD hair wax won several awards for its unique composition and the appearance of the wax jar. Half a decade later, the brand expanded with new products and eco-friendly and long-term money-saving refills were developed for the waxes.
Today, the series consists of high-quality hair styling products, such as various hair waxes, structure spray and hairspray. Masculine and street-credible products are certainly the most stylish in the bathroom. Pusher products are manufactured in our beloved neighboring country, Sweden. Hey!
Pusher's strong brand stands out from the rest. Original product packaging strongly communicates the lifestyle and values of its users; for example, the hairspray bottle looks like a spray paint bottle and the travel-sized waxes are conveniently packed in a snuff box that can be carried in your pocket! The brand speaks to men who want to stand out from the crowd and for whom style is a way to express themselves and their lifestyle. The product line is aimed at those who value first-class quality and go their own way, who want to emphasize their own personal style.