
Look it!

In the blog, we share personal experiences with beauty care and tips for using the products. We want to elevate your grooming routines, so that you can look the part you want to in life.

Ultimaattinen opas parranhoitotuotteiden hankintaan

The ultimate guide to buying beard care products

Hi! I am Ensio Ensibartailainen and I have now grown a beard for the first time. I heard from a friend that beard oil can be harsh, but was there anything else I might need? From Morje First. Yo...

Top 5 ihonpelastajat

Top 5 skin savers

Winter is coming, are you ready? Jesse won't take to the skies this time, but November is fast approaching, which means that the summer weather is long gone and it's time to dig out the stumps etc....

Partatyylit / Viikinki

Beard styles / Viking

Viking beard styles Many viking beards have been inspired by the TV series Vikings. The rough, bearded characters appearing in it are, for example, Jarl Borg and Leif. Even though the characte...

World beard day!

World beard day!

World Beard Day! What is this thing? This wonderful day is celebrated on the first Saturday of September. Bearded veikkos have been celebrated for a few years already. The idea is to get toge...