
Price comparison - Classic vs. Multiblade

Hintavertailu – Klassinen vs. Moniterä


Is it with a classic planer is the ride really much cheaper? It is, but check how much below.

The affordability of classic razors has been talked about a lot over time (mostly by us), but the fact is that it is a curative claim. In this story, we won't delve into the other advantages of classic planers, but you can scan here . Then to the point.


Gillette Fusion5 ProGlide razor

So, let's get into traffic with the current flagship product of the superior market leader, Gillette. Below are some prices.

Next, let's calculate the costs on an annual basis. The average shaver uses about 4 replacement blades per month (about 20 shaves). Therefore, in the first year, including the planer investment, money will be spent at €233.35. Additional years here €215.40.

In five years, €1094.95 has been spent.

NOTE! The multi-blade razor shown in the picture is not the razor mentioned in the text.

Pictured: Shave Club C57 , Mühle R89 and Mühle R41 black.


Shave Club “C57” razor

The opponent is our own (and everyone loves) C57 classic razor. As a razor blade was selected for comparison Derby Extra DE blades (selected by popularity).

Then we can calculate the costs on an annual basis. It is said that due to the high price, the blade is changed a little more often, i.e. the consumption would be 5 razor blades / month (approx. 20 shaves). This means that in the first year, €34.70 will be spent with planing. Additional years here €16.80.

In five years, €101.90 has thus been spent.

What do we learn from this?

Further ignoring the driving precision, the reduction of skin irritation and the environmental benefits that a classic razor offers, we can state that after five years the saving is almost €1,000. So a ton?! Shaving! Also note that you can save even more on blades when you buy either 10-packs (from €2/pack) or 100/200 packs (from €14.90) . Let's list a few things that you could buy with that ton of money instead of replacement blades:

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